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Learning python the hard way now learning this Python hard way series. is a very popular series of hard books and it focuses on learning only by writing code and you need to learn from examples instead of just reading so that you can jump into it. It's called the hard way, but it's actually the easy way because once you start writing and you copy the examples, you become familiar with the syntax and then with what you're trying to do. Later it becomes easier to back up ideas and learn. One of the things I teach as much as possible is the fact that although I present it a little differently because I give you a kind of overview and then we jump into the code and then we back up from there. But it is also a very effective way of learning. Many people have recommended this book. The good thing about this book is that it is free online. You can get the PDF version. Maybe I will present this book along with the book which means how many lats the book is but it is my good thing that the fact that it came out for free and tells you this so if People are buying for free and people are still buying it. That's probably a good thing, so check them out.


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